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Cambridge Cambridge IGCSE Physical Science
Cambridge IGCSE Physical Science

Chemistry Workbook - Indice
Introduction / How to use this book / C1. The particulate nature of matter / C1.1 Changing physical state / C1.2 Plotting a cooling curve / C2. Experimental techniques / C2.1 Diffusion, solubility and separation / C2.2 Chromatography at the races / C3. Atoms, elements and compounds / C3.1 Atomic structure / C3.2 The first four periods / C3.3 The chemical bonding in simple molecules / C3.4 The nature of ionic lattices / C4. Stoichiometry / C4.1 Formulae of ionic compounds / C4.2 Making magnesium oxide – a quantitative investigation / C4.3 The analysis of titration results / C4.4 Calculating formula masses / C4.5 A sense of proportion in chemistry / C4.6 Finding the mass of 5 cm of magnesium ribbon / C4.7 Reacting volumes of gases / C5. Electricity and chemistry / C5.1 The nature of electrolysis / C5.2 Making and 'breaking' copper chloride / C6. Energy changes in chemical reactions / C6.1 Energy diagrams / C6.2 The collision theory of reaction rates / C6.3 The influence of surface area on the rate of reaction / C6.4 Finding the rate of a reaction producing a gas / C7. Acids, bases and salts / C7.1 Acid and base reactions – neutralisation / C7.2 Types of salt / C7.3 Descaling a coffee machine / C7.4 Thermochemistry – investigating the neutralisation of an acid by an alkali / C8. The Periodic Table / C8.1 Trends in the halogens / C8.2 Displacement reactions of the halogens / C8.3 Group I: The alkali metals / C9. Metals / C9.1 The reactivity series of metals / C9.2 Energy from displacement reactions / C9.3 Metals and alloys / C10. Air and water / C10.1 Atmospheric pollution, industry and transport / C10.2 Clean water is crucial / C11. Organic chemistry / C11.1 Families of hydrocarbon / C11.2 Unsaturated hydrocarbons (the alkenes) / C11.3 The alcohols as fuels / C11.4 Essential processes of the petrochemical industry / C11.5 Addition polymerisation / C12. Analysis / C12.1 Titration analysis / C12.2 Chemical analysis / C12.3 Planning a controlled experiment / C12.4 Chemical testing and evaluation / C12.5 Experimental design / Answers.

Physics Workbook - Indice
Introduction / How to use this book / P1. Making measurements / P1.1 The SI system of units / P1.2 Paper measurements / P1.3 Density data / P1.4 Testing your body clock / P2. Describing motion / P2.1 Measuring speed / P2.2 Speed calculations / P2.3 More speed calculations / P2.4 Distance–time graphs / P2.5 Acceleration / P2.6 Velocity–time graphs / P3. Forces and motion / P3.1 Identifying forces / P3.2 The effects of forces / P3.3 Combining forces / P3.4 Force, mass and acceleration / P3.5 Mass and weight / P3.6 Falling / P4. Turning effects of forces / P4.1 Turning effect of a force / P4.2 Calculating moments / P4.3 Stability and centre of mass / P4.4 Make a mobile / P5. Forces and matter / P5.1 Stretching a spring / P5.2 Stretching rubber / P5.3 Pressure / P6. Energy transformations and energy transfers / P6.1 Recognising forms of energy / P6.2 Energy efficiency / P6.3 Energy calculations / P7. Energy resources / P7.1 Renewables and non-renewables / P7.2 Wind energy / P7.3 Energy from the Sun / P8. Work and power / P8.2 Calculating work done / P8.3 Measuring work done / P8.4 Power / P9. The kinetic model of matter / P9.1 Changes of state / P9.2 The kinetic model of matter / P9.3 Understanding gases / P10. Thermal properties of matter / P10.1 Calibrating a thermometer / P10.2 Demonstrating thermal expansion / P10.3 Thermal expansion / P11. Thermal (heat) energy transfers / P11.1 Conductors of heat / P11.2 Convection currents / P11.3 Radiation / P11.4 Losing heat / P12. Sound / P12.1 Sound on the move / P12.2 Sound as a wave / P13. Light / P13.1 On reflection / P13.2 Refraction of light / P13.3 The changing speed of light / P13.4 A perfect mirror / P13.5 Image in a lens / P14. Properties of waves / P14.1 Describing waves / P14.2 The speed of waves / P14.3 Wave phenomena / P15. Spectra / P15.1 Electromagnetic waves / P15.2 Using electromagnetic radiation / P16. Magnetism / P16.1 Attraction and repulsion / P16.2 Make a magnet / P16.3 Magnetic fields / P17. Static electricity / P17.1 Attraction and repulsion / P17.2 Moving charges / P17.3 Static at home / P18. Electrical quantities / P18.1 Current in a circuit / P18.2 Current and charge / P18.3 Electrical resistance / P18.4 Electrical energy and power / P19. Electric circuits / P19.1 Circuit components and their symbols / P19.2 Resistor combinations / P19.3 More resistor combinations / P19.4 Electrical safety / P20. Electromagnetism / P20.1 Using electromagnetism / P20.2 Electricity generation / P20.3 Transformers / P21. The nuclear atom / P21.1 The structure of the atom / P21.1 Isotope / P22. Radioactivity / P22.1 The nature of radiation / P22.2 Radioactive decay equations / P22.3 Radioactive decay / Answers.

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Status Titolo Pagine Codice ISBN Prezzo Cancella
Il corso
Il corso
Chemistry Workbook

€ 14,80
Physics Workbook

€ 14,80
Il catalogo di Cambridge è a norma, in ottemperanza alla legge n.133 del 6 agosto 2008 ripresa dalla circolare ministeriale n.378 del 25 gennaio 2013.
I prezzi in Euro sono comprensivi di IVA e validi per l'anno in corso. Possono variare in caso di variazione dell'aliquota IVA.
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