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Cambridge Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Geography
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Geography


Il Coursebook offre un supporto chiaro e pratico e centinaia di attività.
In questa nuova edizione i casi di studio sono stati aggiornati, dall’urbanizzazione in Peru alla migrazione internazionale in Qatar.
Nel Teacher's Reasource CD-ROM si trovano le soluzioni degli esercizi del Coursebook, una proposta di piano di lavoro e programmi di lezione.

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Revision Guide
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Part A. Geographical Themes: World map
Theme 1. Population and Settlement: 1. World population increase
2. Over-population and under-population
Case Study. Over-population–Nigeria
Case Study. Under-population–Australia
3. Causes of a change in population size
4. Population change
Case Study. High rate of natural population growth–Niger
Case Study. Population decline–Russia
5. Population policies
6. Population migration
7. The impacts of migration
Case Study. An international migration–Qatar
8. Finding out about the population
Case Study. A country with high dependency–Italy
9. Factors influencing population density
Case Study. High population density–Japan
Case Study. Low population density–Namibia
10. Settlement patterns
11. Settlement sites, growth and functions
12. Settlement hierarchy
Case Study. Settlement and service provision in Sardinia
13. Urban land use
14. Urban problems and solutions
Case Study. An urban area–Atlanta
15. Rapid urban growth
16. Impacts of urban growth
Case Study. Urbanisation in Peru–Lima
Exam-style questions
Global Theme 1. HIV/AIDS
Theme 2. The Natural Environment: 17. Types and features of earthquakes and
18. Plate tectonics
19. Causes and effects of earthquakes and volcanoes
20. Volcanoes present hazards and opportunities
21. Reducing the impacts
Case Study: An earthquake–Haiti
Case Study. A volcano–Mount Sinabung
22. Rivers and drainage basins
23. The work of rivers
24. River landforms 1
25. River landforms 2
26. Rivers–hazards and opportunities
27. Managing river flooding
Case Study. The Elbe River
28. The work of the sea
29. Coastal landforms created by erosion
30. Coastal landforms created by deposition
31. Coral reefs and mangrove swamps
32. Hazards and opportunities
33. Managing coastal erosion
Case Study. An area of coastline–Mauritius
34. Collecting weather data 1
35. Collecting weather data 2
36. Using weather data
37. Using weather and climate data
38. The equatorial climate
39. Tropical rainforest ecosystems
40. Rainforest deforestation
Case Study. The tropical rainforest–Ecuador
41. Hot desert climates
42. Hot desert ecosystems
Case Study. A hot desert–the Sahara and Mali
Exam-style questions
Global Theme 2. Reducing Carbon Emissions
Theme 3. Economic Development: 43. Indicators of development
44. Identifying inequalities
45. Classifying production
46. Employment structure varies
47. Globalisation
Case Study. A trans-national corporation–Nokia
48. Agricultural systems
Case Study. An arable farm in Lincolnshire
49. Food shortages
Case Study. Food shortages in Darfur, Sudan
50. Industrial systems
51. Industrial location
Case Study. The Pakistan steel complex at Pipri
52. The growth of tourism
53. The benefits and disadvantages of tourism
54. Managing Tourism for sustainability
Case Study. An area where tourism is important–Dubai, UAE
55. Energy use varies
56. Nuclear power or renewables
Case Study. Energy supply in Iceland
57. Using water
58. Managing water
Case Study. Water supply in Lesotho 59. Economic activities pose threats 60. Managing sustainable development 61. Conserving natural resources
Case Study. Fracking in California
Exam-style questions
Global Theme 3. Reduce, reuse, recycle
Part B. Geographical Skills: 1. 1:50 000 Monsefu, Peru
2. 1:50 000 Harare, Zimbabwe
3. 1:25 000 North York Moors, UK
4. 1:25 000 Montego Bay, Jamaica
5. 1:25 000 Negara, Indonesia
6. 1:50 000 Leicester, UK
Exam-style questions
Map skills checklist
Part C. Geographic Enquiry: Fieldwork skills examinations
1. Investigating the CBD
2. Investigating rivers
3. Investigating tourism
4. Investigating weather
Fieldwork checklist
The alternatives to coursework
Exam-style question 1
Exam-style question 2
Part D. Preparing for Examinations: Geographical themes: Case studies
Geographical skills
Alternative to coursework/Geographical investigation Resource

Configurazioni di vendita e opzioni d'acquisto
Status Titolo Pagine Codice ISBN Prezzo Cancella
Edizione valida per sostenere l'esame fino al 2026
Edizione valida per sostenere l'esame fino al 2026
Coursebook with CD-ROM

€ 41,10
Revision Guide

€ 27,00
Teacher's Resource Access Card
(con codice di accesso alla versione Digitale)

€ 102,30
Il catalogo di Cambridge è a norma, in ottemperanza alla legge n.133 del 6 agosto 2008 ripresa dalla circolare ministeriale n.378 del 25 gennaio 2013.
I prezzi in Euro sono comprensivi di IVA e validi per l'anno in corso. Possono variare in caso di variazione dell'aliquota IVA.
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