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Cambridge Cambridge IGCSE: Travel and Tourism
Cambridge IGCSE: Travel and Tourism

Approvato da Cambridge International Examinations.
Testo ufficiale per la preparazione agli esami.

Unit 1: The travel and tourism industry
- Introduction
- Structure of the international travel and tourism industry
- The economic, environmental and socio-cultural impact of travel and tourism
- Role of national governments in forming tourism policy and promotion
- The pattern of demand for international travel and tourism
- Destination Investigation – Group/Project Work
- Promoting visits to the destination’s attractions
- How your knowledge and understanding of the Unit 1 content is likely to be assessed

Unit 2: Features of worldwide destinations
- Introduction
- The main global features
- Different time zones and climates
- Investigate travel and tourism destinations
- The features which attract tourists to a particular destination
- How your knowledge and understanding of the Unit 2 content is likely to be assessed

Unit 3: Customer care and working procedures
- Introduction
- Deal with customers and colleagues
- Identify the essential personal skills required when working in the travel and tourism industry
- Follow basic procedures when handling customer enquiries, reservations and payments
- Use reference sources to obtain information
- Explore the presentation and promotion of tourist facilities
- How your knowledge and understanding of the Unit 3 content is likely to be assessed

Unit 4: Travel and tourism products and services
- Introduction
- Identify and describe tourism product
- Explore the roles of tour operators and travel agents
- Describe support facilities for travel and tourism
- Explore the features of worldwide transport in relation to major international routes H
- ow your knowledge and understanding of the Unit 4 content is likely to be assessed

Unit 5: Marketing and promotion
- Introduction
- Role and function of marketing and promotion
- Market segmentation and targeting
- Product as part of the marketing mix
- Price as part of the marketing mix
- Place as part of the marketing mix
- Promotion as part of the marketing mix
- How your knowledge and understanding of the Unit 5 content is likely to be assessed

Unit 6: The marketing and promotion of visitor services
- Introduction
- The operation, role and function of tourist boards and tourist information centres
- The provision of tourist products and services
- Basic principles of marketing and promotion
- The marketing mix
- Leisure travel services
- Business travel services
- How your knowledge and understanding of the Unit 6 content is likely to be assessed

Configurazioni di vendita e opzioni d'acquisto
Status Titolo Pagine Codice ISBN Prezzo Cancella

€ 36,60
Il catalogo di Cambridge è a norma, in ottemperanza alla legge n.133 del 6 agosto 2008 ripresa dalla circolare ministeriale n.378 del 25 gennaio 2013.
I prezzi in Euro sono comprensivi di IVA e validi per l'anno in corso. Possono variare in caso di variazione dell'aliquota IVA.
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